Day 1 on my journey to becoming a web3 developer

Day 1 on my journey to becoming a web3 developer


2 min read

I Fully started my web3 journey on 6th sept and being honest i was glad about some of the content i came accross.

Let's Take a moment on what i read and highlights.

Disclaimer: i'm not a writer, i'm only writing my journey experience on here for record purposes.

Day 1

I started with understanding what blockchain really is since i've been seeing and hearing much about it lately as the first step in roadmap to being a web3 developer.

I was able to put together after reading few articles on what it is.

Blockchain is a peer to peer system that allows folks to transact among themselves without any centrallized authority. Hmmm, so from the definition, what got me confused was the word "centrallized", later i was able to put together this:

Blockchain is a system that allows peers to make transaction between them without the involvement of any third parties. And as well considered as a completely decentrallized system, which means it is highly encrypted and secured.

But then again another question came to my mind coming from the developers perspective which i publicly asked on my twitter post:

"Centrallised system gives a third party access to most of our data which in turn used to provide a better user experience, however decentrallised system seems to limit that"

I didn't get any response on that at all from the comment but i was opportuned to get answers from a web3 space which i will mention one of the answers.

Yes web3 is focued more on the decentrallisation of data, which is taking complete ownership of your data without having anyone invade or sell it away, but again that doesn't mean all platforms has to be decentrallised. Most people do not care about their data being stolen or sold, what most care about is doing their stuff in an easy way and getting out immediately without long process.๐Ÿ˜€

That answer was funny to me. While most, especially celebrities finds it very annoying when they find out about their data being leaked. AGAIN that wasn't the only answer... But to keep it short.

Well, it sure looks interesting to me as i'll keep making my research and going deeper about this journey, then sharing for fellow folks to learn as well, also before i can start developing projects on web3.

Can't wait for Day2.

Please if you have any good documentation and found this useful drop it on the comment section.๐Ÿฅฐ
