Day 2 on my journey to becoming a web3 developer

Day 2 on my journey to becoming a web3 developer

The other day i was able to understand some basics of blockchain and how transactions processes are done. This is day 2 and i will be sharing my take on the types of architectures of blockchain.

Quick recap:

Blockchain is a peer to peer system that allows people to transact without any centrallised authority.

In Blockchain, we have types of architechtures on the controls of blockchain

  1. Public architechture
  2. Private architechture
  3. Consortium(Federated)

In these architectures that were listed above, what differentiates all of them is their access, efficiency, consensus process, centrallization, and immutability.

Going further into details

  • Public architechture is mostly public to the block chain features but the cons is that it has a low efficiency process and no centrallization, also it doesn't require any permission for data validation (Consensus process). Best of all it is completely tamper-proof, which means that data alteration can not easily be done.

  • Private architechture: In this case, the data of the consumer is always private and can not be easily tampered with. It is completely centrallized and requires permission for data validation, it is very high in efficiency rate and usually an organization based platform.

  • Consortium /Federated: This is based on the selected node of a platform. just like private, it is very efficient and partially centrallised. Consensus is based on the prefference of the platform but this process also requires a permission before execution and it is not completely tamper proof.

That is everything i have leant on Day2, looking forward to day3 hope you find it usefull.