Here are the List of UI Libraries available for your next Vue.js Project.

Here are the List of UI Libraries available for your next Vue.js Project.
  1. Equal UI:

    Equal is a Vue 3 components based library and has total of 25+ components.

  2. AgnosticUI

    AgnosticUI is another ui library that supports Vue3 and contains about 25 components.

  3. Native UI

    Native UI is a Vue 3 based component library which provides 80+ components and also uses both JavaScript and Typescript.

  4. Amplify UI

    Amplify UI contains 40+ production ready components with support for Vue 3 and has its main focus on Amazon AWS compatibility. This enables high level components like a chatbots.

  5. Ant Design for Vue

    Ant Design for Vue is a well-known React library more like the the world’s second most popular React UI library and provides 50+ components, it is definetly my fav when i want to use a component based library. It also has support for vue2 and vue3 projecs. Ant Design Vue 3 is now their default version.

  6. BootstrapVue

    We also have a popular one (BootstrapVue), it enables the usage of Bootstrap components only in Vue 2 projects with more than 85 components. BootstrapVue only support Vue 2 projects.

  7. Buefy

    Buefy integrates the CSS framework Bulma into your Vue 2 project. However Buefy does not have support for Vue.js 3, also it has about 42 available components.

  8. Core UI

    Core UI components enable the usage of Bootstrap components with focus on dashboards in Vue.js 2 projects. It has a special feature for an Admin UI template which provides its template based on Bootstrap.

  9. iView

    The last but not the least, Iview is also a component based library which has a latest release of Vue 3.x. It has about 45+ available components.